Monday, March 5, 2012

On the subject of recasts...

This is very random, it would seem, but if you've been following the latest BJD happenings/discussions, recasts have come up A LOT! And it's been infuriating me and I've been thinking about it A TON and now I realize why.
It's grating on my nerves so badly because I suck at resisting temptation. Like, why pay this for a doll when you can pay less for a recast? Oh! And, hey, they have that limited you wanted!

Basically, I feel like I might give in and start looking around and that bothers the HELL out of me! :-(

But, then I look at my dolls and, honestly? I feel very proud of my collection. And I want to CONTINUE feeling proud of my collection. I don't want to feel ashamed, which I would. I also wouldn't have the heart to make people think it was legit when it wasn't. So it'd be this hidden, shameful thing that would make me feel bad. And, in the end, that would waste more money than just buying the real deal in the first place!

After all, yes, I DO buy my dolls to just look at and to have. But I love sharing them as well. Eventually, I want to share all their stories and I always want to take pics of them. I don't want a doll I'd feel like hiding and I don't want a doll that will make me feel ashamed to be in this hobby. Also, dumb as it is, my reputation in this hobby matters to me a lot, like it does in my other hobbies/fandoms.

So, yes. I get it now. I couldn't fathom why I was so mad, like I was personally affronted by what other people were doing. Yes, I think the whole thing is just wrong but I couldn't figure out why I was obsessing over the injustice of it. Now that I'm getting it, maybe I can let it go. Fine, people buy recasts and love them and share them. I can't be that person and I WON'T be that person. And that is that! :D

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