Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm experiencing this obsession with creating spaces for my dolls. Specifically my MSDs. I persuaded a friend of mine, who goes up by Ikea every other weekend, to pick me up the Duktig bed so I can customize it for them. If you aren't aware of this awesome find, I would take a look at one or both of these videos:

They show just how customizable a $20 piece of furniture can be. I don't know what fabrics to get yet but I have to wait till next paycheck anyway so I'm not even looking. I want to go to the store and be inspired and not get some big idea in mind that could possibly be unavailable in two weeks. So, yeah, I can't wait! :D

I'm also getting an Ikea bookshelf to put my dolls on. I'm getting much more than I ever thought and I want them to have a nice place to sit and hangout. Unfortunately, according to the measurements, the doll bed won't fit on the shelf but I'll figure somewhere else for the MSDs that share it to be and I'll make other homes on the bookshelf. I've been wanting the bookshelf for months but only the possibility of POSSIBLY getting a Soom monthly doll complete with gigantic hooves made me go ahead and go broke springing for one. I hope I can make it roomy enough to accommodate him. We shall see. :D