Sunday, March 11, 2012

I am STILL trying to get this blog looking nice. I don't get how to use blogger, like, AT ALL. So, please pardon me. :D

Anyway, I decided to keep an ongoing list of doll projects and to post my progress. I am hoping that it'll keep me motivated knowing I have a space to show-off my achievements. Plus, maybe someone might be interested. :D

My project list so far:
-Redo Alia's (Dikadoll Lola) faceup
-Redo Bon Bon's (Doll Chateau Olivia) faceup
-Make Bon Bon's dress
-Do Floo Floo's (Leekeworld Ariana) faceup
-Do Mr. Brightside's (Soom Sabik) faceup
-Redo Harujuku (Hujoo Baby Sueve) from the ground up (new clothes, faceup, possibly wig)

My Soom Sard/Chalco and Soom Io/Euclase are NOT on this list because they will be separate craziness and I don't want to start on them till I get their stands, which might take a minute. Since they are big and require more sealant, varnish to protect their hooves, supplies to do blushing, etc. they will have their OWN project list. And I'm hoping to start them sometime in April/May. :D

I also wanted to keep a list of things I need to buy for my dolls. This is mostly for me, because I may not be able to do a pic/vid for everything, but I definitely want to keep track of things. :D

My to-buy list so far:
-White and/or yellow boots for Yellowjacket (Only-Doll TingYun)
-White tights for Floo Floo
-Monique Jojo wig for Jacks (Dollzone Mo)
-Baggy jeans for Jacks
-Bright pink shoes for Junie (Resinsoul Li)
-Casual outfit for Mr. Brightside (right now he's wearing a suit ALL THE TIME)
-Leggings for Bon Bon

That is all now. Thank you for your attention. :D


  1. I think it's looking good! It's taken me years to figure out Blogger and I still don't think I'll ever get it...web design is not my thing >.<

    Lol your project list is like mine XD huge and fluid. And never ending. Maybe that's just me. It seems like it though!!

    1. Thanks! Now, if only I can figure out how to get the tabs at the top with links on it. If you have any tips, I would love it. :D

      And, yeah, my list is getting more and more gigantic. When I started this hobby, I never thought I would have a project list in the first place! I don't get what happened. LOL!
