Sunday, June 12, 2011

1st Sewing Saturday.

This is the first thing I sewed on my first ever Sewing Saturday: a halter-top for Alia -

Ta-da! I am very proud of it, despite the fact it's very not perfect. At least I did it! XD I also managed to ALMOST complete my first ever SD faceup for Faceup Sunday! I would've finished but I wanted to give it plenty of time to dry. I'm going to finish it first thing after work tomorrow. It. Is. So. BAD! But, oh well. I knew it would be and, hopefully, I'll just get better and better as time goes by. XD The only thing I like are the eyebrows, I didn't actually do those too badly. But, everything else? YIKES! But, I'll get there. XD


  1. Hi there, I just found you through your YouTube channel and had to pop over and look at your blog. Love your videos, working my way through them all right now. And yes you will get better at faceups through practice, so don't give up. I want to better my sewing skills to, but I'm being so lazy about it. I've got so much fabric, I need to get off my rear and do it. Maybe I'll try some today...maybe. :-)

  2. Oh and you will have to tell me your Nanowrimo screen name. Would love to add you. Love Nano. Been waiting to hear about Camp Nano. I think it's going to take place during August, my birth month, so that should be interesting. I don't even have a story in mind for it, ahhh! But I have to do it if they get it off the ground. :-) I'm mouse1996 on there, feel free to add me. :-)

  3. Not sure if you are doing Camp Nanowrimo, but I believe it starts actually on July 1st. Just a heads up in case you need to prepare. :-)
