Sunday, May 11, 2014

Dolls at home

Dolls currently at home:
Rai (Vampire) - Dollzone Wing-2 [white skin]
Vi (Fae) - B&G Sky [tan skin]
Alia (Vampire/Goddess) - Fairyland Feeple60  [tan skin]
Junie (Unawakened Fae) - Resinsoul Mei [dark tan]
Valencia aka Bon Bon (Vampire) - Doll Chateau Olivia [white skin]
Gael (Vampire) - Doll Chateau Pierre [white skin]
Darcy (Human) - Dollzone Mo [normal yellow skin]
Floo Floo (Earthkin) - Leekeworld Ariana [basic skin]
Maxwell aka Maxxie (Human) - OnlyDoll TingYun [normal pink skin]
Brenner Adelaide (Vampire) - Dollshe Bernard [paleskin]
Thompson Adelaide (Vampire) - Dollshe Saint [paleskin]
Flee Flee (Earthkin) - Leekeworld Ashley [normal skin]
Sparrow (Human) - Bobobie Apollo on Resinsoul Gang body [normal skin]
Belladonna (Vampire) - Dollzone Elsa [white skin]
Gabriel (Human) - Dollzone Gretta head on Doll Chateau Youth boy body [normal pink skin]
Jamie aka Loki (Fae) - Doll Leaves Noir [normal skin]
Benjamin "Benny" William Anderson (Human) - Dikadoll Shall [normal pink skin]
Blank Slate (Earthkin) - Doll Chateau Queena [white skin]
Blank Slate (Earthkin) - Doll Chateau Douglas [white skin]
Lester "Annie" Hannigan (Demon/God/Human) - Soom Dia [brown tan]
Noel (Human) - Little Rebel 07 head [normal skin] on Mirodoll 60cm body [normal skin]
Bellevue (Vampire) - Fairyland Minifee Moe-Line Chloe [tan skin]
Bedlam (Vampire) - Unoa Lusis [fairy skin]
Amsterdam (Earthkin) - Luts Kid Delf Maska [real skin normal]
Flim Flam (Earthkin) - Leekeworld Mini [snow skin]
Micah (Human) - Dollzone Zo [tan skin]
Parfait (Human) - Fairyland Feeple60 Moe-line Rin [tan skin]
Hadleigh (Fae) - Fairyland Elf Soony [normal skin, on Feeple60 Moe-line body]
"Nameless" (Human) - Minifee RFA girl [normal skin]
"Nameless" (Human) - Minifee Liria boy [normal skin]

Current floating heads:

Waiting on:


  1. Can you please post pictures of Vi? I watched his box opening but would love to see his face up and full body pix :) x

  2. I Think you might have just inspired me to start blogging again!
