Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hello, everyone!

First of all, I updated my dolls at home list:

Next, well, I have been so absent and I am so sorry. Mostly because of tumblr but not even really. I've just been feeling uninspired and stuck and a little frustrated with my BJDs as of late. But, I am starting to get over that, mostly because of one of my new dolls, my Dikadoll Shall Benny. I don't know, he has my best faceup to date, he is so so pretty (and not just because of my faceup), his body is very solid and comforting, and he's just fun to style because he looks good in anything. Because of that, he's kinda making me want to work on my other dolls more so they give me the same happiness as him. So I've decided to start planning and using this blog to keep track of all that planning. I have A LOT I want to do, but I decided to start with what immediately jumps to mind and leave the rest till later. I don't want to overwhelm myself TOO much. My current to-do list is as follows:

-Re-do Alia's faceup. Which is hilarious because the very last entry I made here was me celebrating her completion. But, ever since redoing Junie's faceup (she's my Resinsoul Li), I just realize I could do Alia's better. I want to accentuate her large eyes but, instead, I made them smaller. It's annoying and I want to fix it. I also want to fix her blushing.
-Make Alia a simple t-shirt.
-Make my new Soom Dia, Lester, a simple t-shirt.
-Restring my Leekeworld Art bodies.
-Do the faceups for my Leekeworld Ariana and Ashley.
-Do faceups for my new DC Queena and Douglas.
-Complete my tinies, my Dikadoll Peach and Bobby.
-Start on their dollhouse.

Yes, I bought a cheap-ass tiny dollhouse for my tinies. I plan to do it up as right as I can but it seems more complicated and time-consuming than I expected. I plan to post the progress here to keep motivated. :D

I decided to start on this list tonight! I plan to make my Soom Dia his shirt. The shirt I have in mind would be so simple to make so I'm hoping starting on something that simple will help me get into the spirit. I also think I will wipe Alia's current faceup and get her prepared. *sigh* Looking at the list and realizing how much is NOT on there, I just can't help but go "WHY MUST I WORK SO HARD ON MY DOLLS?!"

LOL! Damn them!