Me and Alia are having a battle of unendingness. It is driving me INSANE! Especially since, I LOVE her sculpt. The more I work with it, the more I love it for her. But she is driving me NUTS! I have done probably ELEVEN faceups on her and none have just been right. Which is driving me mad because I have managed to get all my other dolls pretty much right without having to constantly battle with them. So I just don't get the problem I have with her. :-(
This time, I actually managed to get something on her face that I actually like. EXCEPT HER EYEBROWS ARE DREADFULLY UNEVEN! And what bothers me even more is the fact I didn't notice it until I was finished. Like, I was about to put gloss on her face and BOOM!, UNEVEN EYEBROWS! I am almost starting to believe she did it on purpose. LOL! But, I just don't know.
Anyway, I am keeping the faceup for now, because she's had her head off since January and I want her to be back together again, at least for a little while. Maybe it'll grow on me and become one of the many quirks this girl has. I mean, between the scratch on her neck, her rather obvious sanding marks, her gigantic hands and feet (that are seriously LARGER than my 80cm Sabik's), and her eye that has a bubble in it so that she constantly looks wall-eyed, maybe her being "perfect" just isn't in the cards. LOL! Ah well.
Here's a pic of her, as of now:
My poor beautiful girl. :-(
I know what it's like doing faceups over and over and over on one doll. For Takeo, this is his third faceup and I'm not even happy with it. But if you ever need help, I'm here and you're on my discount list for faceups because you're awesome. Lol ;)