Monday, September 19, 2011

I'm experiencing this obsession with creating spaces for my dolls. Specifically my MSDs. I persuaded a friend of mine, who goes up by Ikea every other weekend, to pick me up the Duktig bed so I can customize it for them. If you aren't aware of this awesome find, I would take a look at one or both of these videos:

They show just how customizable a $20 piece of furniture can be. I don't know what fabrics to get yet but I have to wait till next paycheck anyway so I'm not even looking. I want to go to the store and be inspired and not get some big idea in mind that could possibly be unavailable in two weeks. So, yeah, I can't wait! :D

I'm also getting an Ikea bookshelf to put my dolls on. I'm getting much more than I ever thought and I want them to have a nice place to sit and hangout. Unfortunately, according to the measurements, the doll bed won't fit on the shelf but I'll figure somewhere else for the MSDs that share it to be and I'll make other homes on the bookshelf. I've been wanting the bookshelf for months but only the possibility of POSSIBLY getting a Soom monthly doll complete with gigantic hooves made me go ahead and go broke springing for one. I hope I can make it roomy enough to accommodate him. We shall see. :D

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My girl, Li.

I need to think of a name for my RS Li soon before "Li" accidentally sticks.

Anyway, I got her beginning of this week but she is not ready to be shown yet. I have no clothes for her, no eyes, no eyelashes, no wig, and I got her new elastic which is also not here. LOL! She is the most incomplete doll that has arrived to me. BUT I can't help but love her. She's helping me through a rough time, which I greatly appreciate. Plus, as a bonus, she's my first in a lot of ways:

-First MSD
-First doll I need to completely clean
-First doll I have to restring
-First doll I've modded

Because of this, I think we are bonding quite nicely, despite her being an impulse purchase. I mean, I've wanted a Li for a long while but she really was low on the list, poor thing. But now that I have her home, I'm very glad I went for her. XD

The mod I did on her was a mod to get her to be able to sit. Apparently, her lower torso and wide thighs wouldn't allow for her to do that. Now, RS has since fixed this issue but, since I bought my girl secondhand, it was either deal with the fact she'd be a standing doll only or follow this tutorial and do something about it. I actually can't believe I did it and I'm glad I did. It was therapeutic and rewarding, even if it lacks perfection.

As for cleaning her, I plan to do that tomorrow once I figure out the best course of HOW to clean her. Hopefully her elastic is here either tomorrow or tuesday and she won't have to stay in pieces long. I'm also going to practice one more faceup before doing her face. Her face won't be perfect but I like doing faceups now so, hopefully, I'll like it. XD

That's all, really. There will be official pictures of her once she's complete. XD

Saturday, July 16, 2011

LOL! What did I do?

I impulsively bought a Resinsoul Li. O.o I've been wanting her for awhile and I kept just putting her off, especially since I have dolls on layaway to take care of. But, then I came across a deal I couldn't pass up and I went for it. I almost can't believe I did it, especially since I am very broke and I won't be able to do much with her for at least two weeks. *sigh* Oh well.

I'm sitting here debating ordering her eyes. I want her to have Captured in Glass eyes like the rest of my dolls but, seriously, so broke. LOL! And right now I'm waiting to hear back about her wig. If I don't hear back about it soon, maybe I'll free up that money to get her a cheaper wig and a pair of eyes. *sigh* Stupid expensive dollies! But, I'll be so glad to have her home. I can't wait! XD

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My first SD faceup

I forgot to post this here. It's my first SD faceup and DAMN is it bad! I make every mistake in the book. But, at the same time, I'm kinda proud of it simply because I did it and I didn't think I would. So, with all its mistakes, I still think it's beautiful. Here's hoping my second one goes better. XD

Uninspired but working on it

I'm not completely sure what's going on, more than likely my depression rearing its ugly head again, but I've been distinctly uninspired. I look at my dolls and I WANT to take pictures of them and make them clothes, etc, but I just haven't been able to make myself do it. I gave myself a talking to today, though. If I want to get better at sewing clothes and doing faceups, I HAVE to practice. Especially since I have dolls coming whose style I haven't found in clothes their size and who are blank! And, especially in the case of the Doll Chateau dolls I have on layaway. Their body types are so strange and thin that I imagine I'll have to make them clothes until DC comes out with clothes of their own. So, yeah. I have to put my foot down. Especially since I used so much money to buy supplies only to not be using them. That's just a waste and I can't afford to waste money right now. So, yeah. Here's me trying again. I have two faceups to complete, one for SD practice, and one on my blank Hujoo baby who has been blank for MONTHS despite my excitement for her. *sigh*

Here goes nothing. XD

Sunday, June 12, 2011

1st Sewing Saturday.

This is the first thing I sewed on my first ever Sewing Saturday: a halter-top for Alia -

Ta-da! I am very proud of it, despite the fact it's very not perfect. At least I did it! XD I also managed to ALMOST complete my first ever SD faceup for Faceup Sunday! I would've finished but I wanted to give it plenty of time to dry. I'm going to finish it first thing after work tomorrow. It. Is. So. BAD! But, oh well. I knew it would be and, hopefully, I'll just get better and better as time goes by. XD The only thing I like are the eyebrows, I didn't actually do those too badly. But, everything else? YIKES! But, I'll get there. XD


So, I was supposed to record a body review for my B&G boy the weekend before last but, unfortunately, due to my computer crapping out, I wasn't able to. So, my plan is to hopefully get that recorded to my liking and get it up this week now that my computer seems to be back in action. XD I would do it today but I would want to be presentable for the camera and, frankly, it's sunday and that's not going to happen. Ha!

In other news, I FINALLY managed to pull off Sewing Saturday. What is Sewing Saturday, you may ask? Basically, I decided that I NEED to get better at sewing and, to do that, I need to actually make time to practice instead of just blowing it off. So, a couple weeks ago, I decided to initiate Sewing Saturdays. Every Saturday, unless I have plans, which I usually don't, I need to sew SOMETHING. What? It doesn't matter, just as long as I sew it to completion. I will only break the completion rule once I start sewing more complicated outfits. Till then, I need to start and complete the project same day. I meant to start this LAST weekend but I failed so bad. Luckily, I got off my butt and did it this weekend. I'll share a pic later, more than likely. XD

Also, today starts Faceup Sundays. Same deal as above. I will soon have FIVE blank dolls on layaway and I want to paint them myself. Because of that, I HAVE to get better. So, with my practice head Number 21, I plan to do a new faceup every single Sunday. I figure that, if I do that, by the time my dolls start filtering in this fall/winter, I'll be able to do my own faceups to my liking. XD So, yes!

Okay. As of right now, that's pretty much all I have updates on. Hopefully I'll get to picture taking today and, hopefully, complete my faceup! I can't wait. XD

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just to say...

I set this up awhile ago and have meant to use it since then but haven't been able to due to a writing challenge I'm in keeping me busy at home (think Nanowrimo, but in May). Right now I'm sneaking in at work and updating just to say I WILL be posting here in the next few days and will try to keep updating daily. It will be all BJD/BJD hobby related; mostly pictures, small updates, ranting about waiting, costs, sewing, whatever strikes my fancy. I hope you enjoy and thank you for stopping by. XD